Showing 553–564 of 638 results

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Small bamboo bath broom

Ja mēs runājam par ko eksotisku, tad bambusa slotiņas ir tieši tas, kas jāizmēģina. Šī, mazā slotiņa, ļaus izbaudīt savādāku masāžas efektivitāti nekā lielā. Kā jau mēs zinam, Ķīnieši ir ļoti attīstījušies uz veselības saglabāšanu, un no bambusa izveidota slotiņa, arī Latvijā palīdz saglabāt entuziasmu un veselību. Un neaizmirstam, izmēģināt kaut ko jaunu vienmēr ir iespaidīgi!

Soap with linden scent and oatmeal

This unique soap is made from 100% natural vegetable oils. This in turn pleases people with allergic reactions to chemical impurities. Aesthetic and tasteful packaging has been thought of!

Soap with mint scent and poppy seeds

This unique soap is made from 100% natural vegetable oils. This in turn pleases people with allergic reactions to chemical impurities. Aesthetic and tasteful packaging has been thought of!

Soap with the scent of lily of the valley

This unique soap is made from 100% natural vegetable oils. This in turn pleases people with allergic reactions to chemical impurities. Aesthetic and tasteful packaging has been thought of!

Soap with vanilla scent

This unique soap is made from 100% natural vegetable oils. This in turn pleases people with allergic reactions to chemical impurities. Aesthetic and tasteful packaging has been thought of!

Solid wood hanger with shelf

Original wooden folding hanger for the enteroom, adapted for hanging both clothes and sauna brooms.


When you have to rub dirt "fixed" to get to the dinner table, this sponge is irreplaceable! Put it in the palm of your hand, rub your body quickly, and get ready for a delicious dinner. Code:699


Sponge "Elephant" will be a great helper for your family. This sponge, with its appearance, will evoke pleasant emotions and imagination in the child.