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Birch bath broom
The broom is durable, flexible and comfortable, the surface of the leaves is porous, so it sticks well to the body and absorbs sweat well. If bushy birch is used for brooms, the leaves are thicker and more flexible. They do not become slippery when exposed to hot steam. The birch broom is in a sense universal, there is no need to pay special attention to the faults and damage of the visitor. There will be no harm in treating any guilt. After heavy exercise, it helps to reduce muscle pain, makes the skin soft and silky, supple and smooth with a pleasant shade, as well as cleanses the skin well in cases of various rashes (even purulent), as well as in other cases of inflammation. By soaking the brush in hot water, it is able to strengthen the hair roots and reduce dandruff. After a couple of times the hair becomes firmer, thicker, shiny, there are no split ends. It is not for nothing that birch brooms are the most popular.
Before the bath, tea helps to gently warm the body and prepare it for steaming procedures, as well as promotes sweating. Between steaming, tea helps to balance the body's internal environment and remove impurities. After sauna procedures, it enriches the body with the necessary substances and improves well-being. Ingredients: clover flowers, linden flowers, firefly leaves, oat leaves, birch leaves, hazelnut leaves, St. John's wort leaves, raspberry leaves. Medicinal plants for the tea drink mixture are collected in biologically certified areas in a natural environment.
Lielā eikalipta pirtsslota
Lielā eikalipta pirtsslotas - liela un varena.
Šī burvīgā eikalipta maģija... Ja jūsu pirtiņā ir eikalipta sāls bloks ar tā smaržu, eikalipta eļļa, tad grēks būtu nepērties ar eikalipta pirts slotiņu!
Ja vēl tas ir ģimenes pasākums, pirms pirts var uzzināt daudz ko par eikaliptu, un bērni zināšanas nostiprinās ar kārtīgu pēršanos.
Vai vari iedomāties? Eikaliptam ir vairāk kā 700 sugu!
Small bamboo bath broom
Ja mēs runājam par ko eksotisku, tad bambusa slotiņas ir tieši tas, kas jāizmēģina. Šī, mazā slotiņa, ļaus izbaudīt savādāku masāžas efektivitāti nekā lielā.
Kā jau mēs zinam, Ķīnieši ir ļoti attīstījušies uz veselības saglabāšanu, un no bambusa izveidota slotiņa, arī Latvijā palīdz saglabāt entuziasmu un veselību.
Un neaizmirstam, izmēģināt kaut ko jaunu vienmēr ir iespaidīgi!
When you have to rub dirt "fixed" to get to the dinner table, this sponge is irreplaceable!
Put it in the palm of your hand, rub your body quickly, and get ready for a delicious dinner.
Sauna brush with a long handle
Very practical in action.
The back and legs can be rubbed with a large handle, but in more easily accessible places, removing the handle by putting your hand on the rubber. You never have to think it won't slip out of your hand.
This bath brush is a good helper for scrubbing old skin and improving blood circulation.
In a small sauna, in the bathroom, there is a special place for it!